Meet the Staff

Pastor Gary Shahinian

Pastor Gary Shahinian


Pastor Gary is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, an instructor at Assumption University, and a regular contributor to the “Keep the Faith” column in the Worcester Telegram & Gazette. He has taught philosophy and theology courses at Redeemer College in Ontario, Dordt College in Iowa, and Worcester State College. Pastor Gary served as a Senior Minister at the Armenian Church of the Martyrs and Park Congregational Church in Worcester. He also brings extensive training and experience as an Interim Minister at Pakachoag Church in Auburn, First Church in Marlborough, and the Federated Church of Charlton, all in Massachusetts. His service at the East Woodstock Congregational Church will be to guide the congregation through the transition process toward securing a new settled pastor.

Pastor Gary will be working ¾ time for the church. He will be away one week each month, usually the third week, during the weekdays (Monday-Friday) at his second home in New Jersey. This schedule will not affect his leading worship on Sundays. His office hours will be Monday-Wednesday from 11:00AM – 3:00PM. If a pastoral care emergency should occur while he is away, please contact a deacon for an immediate response until Pastor Gary is back in the area.

Aside from his expertise in Interim Pastoral Leadership, Pastor Gary brings knowledge and understanding of many theological and philosophical topics as well as being an amateur film critic. He has taught adult and youth classes using film and media to explore spiritual messages in Hollywood movies, television programs, and music videos.

Pastor Gary can be reached at 508.451.8785 and via email at


Mary Oliver

Mary Oliver

Office Manager

Mary’s focus has always been “mission oriented”, whether as a Head Start Home Visitor
in rural Vermont, Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Victim Advocate, or as a Recovery
Case Management Specialist in the greater Windham area. Her most recent role was as a housing specialist at the Windham Region No Freeze Project where she endeavored to find unique housing situations to fit guest/client needs.

Prior to the Windham No Freeze Project, Mary provided administrative support to the Center for Community Engagement at Eastern Connecticut State University, her home
church—Hampton Congregational, UCC, and Temple B’nai Israel.

Mary is a graduate of the Women’s Leadership Institute of Hartford Seminary, now the Hartford International University for Religion and Peace. Mary developed her love of art and liturgy here, and has created many paraments and stoles through her work as a textile artist.

Recently, Mary and her wife, Arabella Berkenbilt have been renovating their 18th century farmhouse in Putnam Heights. They are avid gardeners and preservationist breeders of Norwegian Elkhounds.

Jessica Weaver Boose

Jessica Weaver Boose

Director of Christian Education

Jessica joined us as CE Director on December 1, 2021.  She grew up in South Woodstock. While she was raised Catholic, she attended VBS at the Woodstock Covenant Church and youth group at the Hill Church (First Congregational Church of Woodstock). After graduating from Woodstock Academy, she attended Smith College in Northampton, MA. Shortly after graduation she met her husband David. They have two daughters.

Jessica and David lived on Cape Cod for 12 years. There they attended the Cape Cod Covenant Church and over the years Jessica ran the nursery, taught Sunday School for various ages, ran the summer Sunday School program, helped with a VBS program led by two churches, was a youth mentor, ran an annual lasagna dinner fundraiser, helped with yard sales and basket auctions, and was the official Christian Education Chair for many years. That was the beginning!

When the family moved off Cape, Jessica was hired to be a youth ministry coordinator for Wellesley Hills Congregational Church. During her time there she became certified in Faith Formation for Youth within the Southern New England UCC Conference. From the large church in Wellesley she moved to a small congregational church in Millis, MA. She was the Youth Minister in that church for three years, before moving back to Woodstock in order to be close to her parents (Kent and Mary Weaver) and for their youngest child to attend Woodstock Academy.

Jessica brings an abundance of knowledge, experience, and resources to the role of DCE. She is excited to join the amazing community of this congregation and to take a leap of faith with them, reimaging Christian Education in our ever changing world.

Nancy Ducharme

Nancy Ducharme

Music Director and Adult Choir Director

Nancy grew up in a musical family and started formal piano lessons at the age of 5. She attended Hartt College of Music where she majored in Music Education with an emphasis in Special Education.  As an accompanist, she has worked at The Bradley Playhouse, The Little Theater, Woodstock Academy, Marianapolis Preparatory School, Nichols College and many other schools in the area, and has accompanied private voice lessons at the University of Connecticut. In addition to her fabulous work at the East Woodstock Congregational Church, she is currently an accompanist/piano teacher at the Pomfret School and has a growing private piano studio. 

Andrew Tomkins

Andrew Tomkins

Bell Choir Director

Andy started playing handbells in the fourth grade at the Christ Church Episcopal in Avon CT and continued throughout high school and college. He graduated from Plymouth State College (now University) with a degree in music and psychology.  Andy and his wife Taryn have two children in our Sunday School and Youth Ministries programs. Andy and his son enjoy hiking and camping with the Boy Scouts.