
Helping others in our community and around the world

Our Outreach Committee

The Outreach Committee is made up of a group of dedicated volunteers who meet monthly to discuss needs in the community and beyond and how we can best serve those needs.  They work with a Social Worker from Covenant to Care to provide for families with children in need, prepare and freeze meals to have available to those in our congregation and community who need them, send cards to those who are home-bound, ill, or in the military, organize clothing/toiletry drives for local shelters and fundraisers for other causes and much more.

“The mission of the Outreach Committee is to assist others less fortunate than ourselves. We serve as the outreach arm of the church; soliciting, gathering and distributing gifts of all kinds according to needs of members of our Church, community, and the world.  We will also endeavor to teach the joy and grace of generous giving to our congregation.”

Easter Bucket collection for Covenant to Care children.

“Tower of Towels” and linens for local shelters.

Our congregation works closely with TEEG – a dedicated non-profit human service organization that provides assistance and support to families in the communities of Northeast Connecticut.  We recently collected perishable food items to be distributed in their community market.

Our Prayer Shawl Ministry

Many individuals in our congregation donate knitted or crocheted prayer shawls which are kept on hand to present to those in need of comfort while undergoing medical procedures, after a loss, as an aid in prayer or meditation, as well as those who are celebrating a special event such as marriage, a birth, baptism, confirmation.

The shawls are presented upon request and come with special prayers and a note explaining the purpose of the gift.  If you know of an individual who would benefit by receiving a shawl, please let our pastor, Rev. Dr. Susan Foster, know. These shawls cannot be purchased; they are given as gifts for comfort and blessings from our church. Individuals may, however, donate funds to purchase supplies to create shawls.

The Missions Committee provides yarn for anyone who is interested in making a shawl, and there is always someone who is willing to show those want to learn how to knit or crochet.


Prayer Shawl Directions

Outreach Senior High Scholarship

A scholarship is awarded each year to a student who is associated with EWCC and is pursuing their education in the field of ministry or in a field related to human services/social services such as teaching, nursing, social work, etc.

Click below to download the application.  Applications are due back by May 1.


Scholarship Application


Community Kitchen

The First Congregational Church of Woodstock hosts a Community Kitchen every Monday, with the help of a different church each week.  The East Woodstock Congregational Church prepares the meal on the first Monday of each month, serving approximately 80 people from the surrounding community.